Ember Parse Adapter

An Ember Data Adapter for Parse

This project is maintained by clintjhill

Ember Data Adapter for Parse

An Ember Data Adapter built to use the Parse REST API. This is a full Ember implementation against the Parse REST API without the use of the Parse JavaScript SDK.


There is an example of all of the features inside the example.html file.


ParseJSONSerializer: Ember Data JSONSerializer
ParseAdapter: Ember Data Adapter
ParseModel: Ember Data Model
ParseUser: Parse User implementation.

Get Started

You'll want to get an account at Parse. After this you will be provided with three keys:

You will need each of these to configure the ParseAdapter.

  var App = Ember.Application.create();

  App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.ParseAdapter.extend({
    applicationId: '<YOUR APP ID HERE>',
    restApiId: '<YOUR REST API KEY HERE>',
    javascriptId: '<YOUR JAVASCRIPT KEY HERE>'

Once you have your adapter configured now you can create ParseModels just as you would create DS.Models.

  App.Post = DS.ParseModel.extend({
    title: DS.attr('string'),
    body: DS.attr('string')


Dev Notes